Good Advise For Life

nothing is better than your friends becasue no matter what happens they will be there for you. strong things can happen with little gestures, so be a good friend!!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hey Everyone

i must be really bored or something, because i just took another quize.
i doesn't matter though, because this quize has meaning to it.
and before i forget thanks for giving me your new address storm(i like the name).

You Feel Like You Don't Fit In 20% Of The Time

You experience the ups and downs of life, yet you maintain a positive outlook throughout. You definitely do have a place in the world. There are times when you struggle, yet you persevere. Good going.

Do You Have a Place in This World?
Create Your Own Quiz

i'm happy to know that i actually have a place in this world, but i already knew that.


AmericasNextFreak said...

new blog address....

Exquisite said...

Yea you have a place... in your head... lol jk