Good Advise For Life

nothing is better than your friends becasue no matter what happens they will be there for you. strong things can happen with little gestures, so be a good friend!!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Something Amazing

Can you see it? Amazing!!!

Photo taken in Kentucky GOD PARTING THE HEAVENS!!]

Photo taken in Kentucky

Cara Winship sent this out it is called: God's hands.

"I took this picture on Hwy 30, traveling to LondonCity , KY. It has given me
strength in the times of trouble. I feel I should share it with the rest of
the world. I hope it is an inspiration to you. It just goes to show what
we already know.... We have a God and he's watching over us."

"I e-mailed this picture to News Chanel 36. I was contacted by
Meteorologist John James. He said that this picture of the sky is
showing up, in all states, around the world. He wanted to know where
I was from and where I took it. He saw a similar picture taken in Texas .
He said this is amazing to him!"