Good Advise For Life

nothing is better than your friends becasue no matter what happens they will be there for you. strong things can happen with little gestures, so be a good friend!!!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Big Project Finally Turned In

for those who already know me they already know, but for those who don't here's the story. In my english class i had to do a poetry project that was due December 8, 2006.

i needed 20 poems with summeries of what they have to do with hope, and make illustrations for them. Well, just recently i finished it and turned it in to my teacher.

All i did was 20 poems with all the summeries, but no illustrations. i showed it to my teacher and he said that i could have gotten a B! the only reason i actually did it was because my parents told me to.

Also i didn't want to go to Saturday school so i decided to actually work on it and came up with an idea. i already had 10 poems so all i needed was 10 more. i decided that i would do 3 on Saturday and Sunday, and i would do 4 on Monday

in reality it was my falt to not do my poetry project but at least i finally got it done. This little part that has nothing to do with the post goes to my friends who only know what i mean I LIKE PUDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sandman said...

Good job, finishing what you start is always a good thing...

...even if it is that late.

-Storm (who likes pie)-

piano boy said...

I thought I was a bad procrastinator