Good Advise For Life

nothing is better than your friends becasue no matter what happens they will be there for you. strong things can happen with little gestures, so be a good friend!!!!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Graffiti (the astonishing, vandalizing artwork)

As most of my friends know, I really like to draw. The pictures that I draw are graffiti pictures. I know that graffiti is vandalizing property, but I draw them in my note book.

I started drawing graffiti about two years ago, and I've gotten better. My cousin is actually the one who got me started, and it's been great drawing it because there are so many different styles.

What I really like about drawing graffiti is when I show my friends, and they can't tell what it says (no offense to my friends). Although, I figured out that graffiti is not just about writing a word in a wierd way so nobody can read it. The actual deal is just drawing it in a cool way even if they can or can't read what it says.

I'll try to put some of my graffiti pictures on for the next time, but I just have to figure out which one's.

1 comment:

Sandman said...

To start, it only bothers me when people act like that all of the time. But, to get to this post, I think your graffiti is cool. I like pie.
